Breathing exercises reduce tension, relieve stress and even reduce blood pressure. Check out these relaxation videos.
Deep Breathing
Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Guided Imagery
Guided Mindfulness Meditation
Body Scan Meditation
Meditación Mindfulness
Meditación Breve Para Reducir Estrés y Ansiedad
Mindfulness y Autocompasión. Parte 1
Mindfulness y Autocompasión. Parte 2
CWC Talks is a podcast devoted to honest conversations about mental health and wellness, in college and beyond. Episodes feature a variety of topics relevant to undergraduate and graduate students, from racism to managing panic attacks to developing resources for hard times. Listen to these anxiety related topics:
Working with Anxiety
Licensed clinical psychologist Felicia Brown explains the evolutionary purpose of anxiety, how it can help us, and how too much of a natural human tendency can wreak havoc on our mental and physical health.

Emotions live in the body, yet many of us spent most of our time in our heads. While the mind is a powerful tool, healing anxiety, trauma, and toxic perfectionism requires an ability to feel our emotions and reconnect with our bodies. In this episode, UF alum, counselor, and group fitness instructor Melanie Mason shares how she is learning to be in her body, challenge harsh and unrealistic expectations for herself, and help others do the same.

What is yoga and who is it for? Join Drs. Jen Stuart and Sara Nash as they discuss how yoga help you heal from overwhelming experiences, traumas, or just the stress of everyday life.
Strategies for Reducing Anxiety with Dr. Barbara Welsch
Anxiety is one of the leading mental health issues on college campuses. Join us to learn some tangible, easily accessible, evidence-based ways you can work on reducing your anxiety.

Do you or people you love struggle with panic attacks? Licensed mental health counselor Olivia Pitkethly had her first panic attack 20 years ago and has been learning to cope with them ever since. We talk about the purpose of panic, how terrifying panic attacks can be, and about how Olivia developed skills to help her “ride the waves” and reduce the intensity and frequency of her panic attacks.