The CWC’s Alcohol and Other Drug Services promotes a safe, non-judgmental, and psychoeducational environment where students can come and gain an understanding and perspective regarding their choices related to alcohol and other drugs. It is our hope that these services will provide students an opportunity to evaluate their substance usage; make changes to support healthy decisions and choices; and provide supports for our Gators in Recovery.
AOD Services
To be linked to AOD services please contact our team at 352-392-1575 and ask to speak with the AOD Coordinator, Stefanie Jasper Romie.
Collegiate Recovery Program
The UF Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) is an initiative supported by UF Counseling and Wellness Center and Gatorwell. The CRP is a space for students in recovery to connect; socialize; access resources to support their recovery; and creating a community and sense of belonging for Gators in Recovery.
Please note that cultivating a CRP on campus is an ongoing project and takes ongoing supports from our students, campus stakeholders, and community partners. If you are interested in getting involved and being a part of our recovery community, please reach contact the CWC at 352-392-1575 and ask to speak with the AOD coordinator.
CRP Events

Sober Tailgates provides a space to socialize, play games, win prizes, enjoy free food, avoid the heat, and cheer on our football team in a supportive, safe, and substance free environment. Tailgates are held at every home game and located at the Breezeway of the Reitz Union. Look for the orange and blue Sober Tailgate signs to point you in the right direction.

Sober Socials are planned activities that promote connecting with fellow Sober Gators and Gators in Recovery and highlighting that there is fun in sobriety.

Provides a space for Gators in Recovery to be amongst their peers, provide support, and foster a sense of belonging, as we believe no one should have to navigate the challenges of being in recovery and college alone. Recovery Hangouts create a space to relax, connect, obtain resources, and participate in SMART Recovery meetings to enhance skills that support maintaining recovery.
For up-to-date dates and times for Sober Tailgates, Sober Socials, and Recovery Hangouts please follow us on Instagram @ufcwc or visit My CWC Workshop and Events link.