Welcome to CWC’s Gator Grief & Bereavement Resource Page!
The University of Florida’s Counseling & Wellness Center is a caring community working to support you in achieving student success. The CWC recognizes the impact that a loss may have on your emotional and academic well-being and wishes to support you during these distressing times. The CWC understands that grief impacts every student differently and, therefore, these resources are not an attempt to quantify the impact of the death of a loved one or in any way address the nature of the grief process. Rather, the purpose of the below resources are to allow grieving students access to support that may be valuable in assisting you in navigating through any grief or loss you experience during your time as a UF student.
Link to video: https://youtube.com/shorts/NsvN6wHWpVE?feature=share
We invite our fellow Gators to engage with the resources available through CWC Gator Grief & Bereavement services to learn more about how one can receive support in moving through grief and loss. Visiting Gators will have the opportunity to:
- Learn what to do after learning of the death of a loved one.
- Learn about Grief & Bereavement counseling services available at the CWC.
- Access mental health-related resources focused on coping with loss.
- Access digital grief & bereavement resources, such as videos, graphics, presentations, etc.
What to do after learning of death of a loved one?
After learning of the death of a family member, friend, or loved one, students should notify the university’s Campus Assistance & Resources for Empowerment (CARE) Department or the Dean of Students Office (care.dso.ufl.edu or (352) 392-1261) of the passing, as soon as possible. CARE provides connection, support and guidance for students as they navigate anticipated transitions and unexpected events; such as death or loss.
Following a death/loss, documentation of the passing (e.g., obituary; service card) should be sent to the CARE Area or the Dean of Students Office. CARE will determine the sufficiency of the submitted documentation and retains the right to request additional documentation if it deems the original documentation insufficient. This information will be kept on file in the event that faculty or university personnel request verification. This is intended to eliminate the need for individual faculty to request and require verification of the event giving rise to the bereavement from the grieving student.
Class Absence Notice
CARE can provide an “Instructor Notification” if a student is unable to contact their professors directly. Class absence notices are sent when unforeseen events or circumstances may occur that cause a student to be absent from class. This includes bereavement. Instructor notifications are generally sent for situations where the student is out for one week or longer or whose condition does not allow the student to communicate directly with instructors in a timely manner. Students are always encouraged to notify their instructors as soon as possible in order to apprise them of the circumstances leading to their absence from classes and to develop a plan, with a timetable to make up missed coursework.
Students may be asked to provide documentation to ensure the class absence is warranted. Instructors are expected to make reasonable accommodations for these class absences including administration of make-up assignments and exams whenever possible.
NOTE: Instructor notifications are not an official excuse; they are provided on the student’s behalf to explain the circumstances surrounding an absence and to request that the instructor work with the student to complete missed coursework when appropriate.CARE
CARE provides one-on-one support, including guidance, resources, and referrals when UF students are experiencing significant difficulties related to mental health, physical health, personal and family emergencies, financial issues or other areas of concern. Please call (352) 392-1261 to speak with a care case manager. CARE is located in Peabody Hall 2nd Floor and open 8am-5pm, Monday through Friday. Visit care.dso.ufl.edu/ for more information.
Gain understanding of the experience of bereavement
Learn strategies to assist you with navigating through this bereavement experience

Resources for Support
The CWC is a comprehensive counseling center which provides short-term individual counseling, group therapy, crisis support, case management, outreach (e.g., workshops & presentations), etc. for university-enrolled students. Counseling support can be very helpful during this difficult time, and students can connect with resources by scheduling a brief consultation & referral appointment online or calling (352) 392-1575 to schedule an appointment with a mental health provider.
For after-hours crisis information please visit CWC’s Crisis Support webpage.

The Counseling & Wellness Center offers support for grief & bereavement during the Fall, Spring, Summer (may be limited) semesters. Students can participate in our “Bereavement Drop-in Space” which provides opportunity to gain understanding of the experience of bereavement and learn strategies to assist with navigating the bereavement experience. Check CWC’s Workshops & Events page for upcoming presentation dates/times.

There are also opportunities to receive support in community by joining a Bereavement Group (generally available Fall/Spring) where students will work with counseling providers, and other students experiencing grief/bereavement, for community support in navigating the bereavement experience.
Learn more about available bereavement groups by exploring CWC’s Group Counseling page for upcoming group dates/times.
Resources for Coping
Medical Petitions or Medical Withdrawals
In instances where a student experience an unexpected situation (i.e., physical health issues, mental health issues, family/personal crisis, or an unexpected loss) that interferes with their ability to be academically successful in a given semester, they may wish to petition for a medical withdrawal. Students can learn more about submitting a medical petition through the Medical Petition Portal and/or receive assistance in selecting the appropriate petition through the CARE Area (352-392-1261).
Student Death
The death of a student in our campus community is a tragic event and the university is committed to responding with care and support. Grieving family members, friends, faculty, staff and others who knew the student may all have different needs for support to help cope with the loss and begin the healing process. Sometimes a student organization, an academic department, or an office will plan individual gatherings and memorials. Staff members from the Counseling & Wellness Center are available to assist as needed.
Few situations have the ability to impact a campus community as much as the death of a student. Family, friends, classmates, and campus community members are left with unresolved emotions and a need to connect with others. UF’s Dean of Students Office is responsible for campus crisis related to students including student deaths. The Dean of Students Office staff serve on call 24/7/365 for any student related issue or emergency. More information can be obtained from DSO’s Emergency Response webpage.