CWC does outreaches across campus to inform students, family, faculty, and staff about mental health concerns affecting the UF campus. Please complete the CWC Outreach Request Form, or the AWARE Outreach Request form.
To increase the likelihood that we may find someone to meet your request, we ask that you reach out to us at least 3-4 weeks before your event. If you have not identified a date, time, and location for your event, we ask that you wait to submit your request until those details are confirmed.
NOTE: Once your request is received, we will make every effort to fulfill your request if it is received within the required timeframe. However, fulfillment of the requested outreach is not guaranteed.
NOTE: Events scheduled outside of regular UF Business Hours (Monday – Friday 8:00 am -5:00 pm) may not be filled due to limits in CWC provider availability.

CWC Outreach Request
Please complete the CWC Outreach Request Form if you'd like us to provide an outreach to your class, department, or student organization.
Our counselors can provide presentations, workshops, training, discussions, and participation in your tabling events.

CWC AWARE Ambassadors Outreach Request
AWARE: Awareness Wellness Ambassadors Reaching Everyone. Through outreach initiatives on campus AWARE seeks to reduce the stigma around seeking mental health resources and services. AWARE Outreach Request Formsuicide prevention and education
The Counseling and Wellness Center’s Suicide Prevention & Education program is a campus-wide outreach and education program focused on the prevention of suicide through training. To learn more go to: Suicide Prevention Trainings.