If there is an immediate threat to a student’s physical safety, or a threat to another person’s physical safety, students are strongly encouraged to contact 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

About the Crisis & Emergency Resource Center (CERC)

CERC is a service of the Counseling and Wellness Center and provides emergency walk-in crisis stabilization and range of consultation and training services for UF faculty and staff.

Urgent services are available 24/7 when you need immediate support

  • If you are in crisis, call us to consult with an on-call counselor who can assess your needs and connect you with the most appropriate resources. You can call us 24/7 at 352-392-1575.
  • CERC Crisis Walk-ins: 401 Peabody Hall, Monday through Friday, from 9am-4pm.
  • CERC also provides a range of consultation and training services for UF faculty and staff.

Examples of situations when you may need immediate support

  • You are in immediate danger of harming yourself.
  • You are in immediate danger of hurting someone else.
  • You experienced a recent sexual assault.
  • Someone close to you died within the last week.
  • You are distressed by hearing voices or seeing things others around you do not hear or see.

National Suicide Prevention hotline

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988

Informational flyer -988

About 988 Crisis Response System (flyer)

Suicide Prevention Resources

This page has a listing of phone numbers, chat/text lines, and tips for talking to those who are suicidal as well as myths and facts about suicide.

View Resources

Medical Amnesty

Students are encouraged to seek medical services if they are having an alcohol and/or other drug related emergency. A student who seeks assistance for themselves or another student in distress will not be subject to disciplinary action.

View the UF Medical Amnesty Policy