Peer Services Coordinator, Licensed Psychologist, Clinical Associate Professor

- PhD, Counseling Psychology, University of Florida
Professional Interests
Dr. Probert works as an individual therapist and is coordinator of the peer support programs at UF. That role includes provision of rights-based professional trainings and co-facilitation of peer support groups, including Intentional Peer Support, Wellness Recovery Action Plan, and Experiential Peer Support. His 2021 article, “Moving Toward a Human Rights Approach to Mental Health” published in Community Mental Health Journal, highlights an in-depth description of these CWC programs. Before working at UF, Dr. Probert was training coordinator at the Alachua County Crisis Center from 1996-2001.
Approach to Therapy
As a therapist in a system concentrating on short-term therapy, Dr Probert works with a flexible focus which may include: a mindfulness approach to intentional living; mind-body healing and wellness approaches; grief work; existential/spiritual exploration; and personal and intergenerational/ collective trauma recovery/renegotiation. As an individual who identifies both as a professional and as a participant in the international service user movements, he works from a liberational, rights-based perspective--with an intention to acknowledge and respect each individual’s intersecting identities and freely chosen and developing worldview(s)--and supporting efforts to reclaim or maintain meaning, purpose, wellness, vitality, and community inclusion and engagement.
Approach to Supervision
Most frequently, Dr. Probert provides human-rights-based professional training and consultation in both mental health reclamation/recovery and trauma-informed, recovery-oriented suicide prevention.
Approach to Wellness
Dr. Probert’s approach: Practice meditation; yoga, walking in nature; journaling; various other conventional, traditional, and creative healing practices; care of the soul; and interspirituality. Spend time living with family and friends. Remember to laugh often. Play guitar and sing if possible.
Other Activities
Dr. Probert is working on a book about healing (and human rights).