Join us for a week of wellness activities designed to help you relax and recharge! Whether you prefer to de-stress through creative expression, gaming, or just need some time to breathe it out, we’ve got you covered.
Let’s harness the power of self-care and navigate this finals season together!
Don’t miss out these fun activities planned for the week:
11/18, Monday | 10am-2pm (Reitz Union patio/colonnade)
An opportunity for students to take a moment to capture a friendship, a moment of pride in their accomplishments, or a semester of growth.
11/18, Monday | 11:30am-2:30pm (Reitz Union patio)
De-Stress Fest pizza and prizes. Drop by to spin a prize wheel, participate in a de-stressing activity (making a coping bracelet or coloring), and have some pizza!
11/22, Friday | 1- 2pm (via zoom: Link)
An experiential workshop that will focus on deep breathing techniques and visualization/guided imagery for relaxation and stress reduction.
11/22, Friday | 11am-3pm (Reitz Union Atrium)
Students will learn ways to improve overall well-being through different self-care techniques. Therapist will have client color areas of well-being they are doing well in and others that they could improve in. Therapist will also offer space to make Fortunetellers with the students they can use if they ever can't figure out what would be a good technique to use to de-stress.
11/19, Tuesday | 1:30-3:30pm (College of Education Library - Norman Hall)
11/22, Friday | 10am-12pm (Architecture and Fine Arts Library)
Take a break between study sessions and classes to do some creative activities that can help decompress and engage your mind and body in a different, fun, relaxing way.
Check out our workshops & events calendar for latest information: