Videos to get you started on your mindfulness journey!
Workshops & Events
FALL 2022 Workshop Series

This is a partially guided hour-long sitting meditation held virtually over Zoom of which students may "drop-in" at any time during the meditation to participate. *No experience with meditation is required*. Participants will be guided during some parts of the meditation by cues of mindfulness practices. Fundamentally, these include noticing when the mind has wandered from the breath as an object of attention during meditation, non-judgmentally observing the thought or emotion that has drawn our attention away, and gently escorting the attention back to the breath. A half-hour will be provided at the end to allow for voluntary sharing.
Facilitated by: Occupational Therapy Student Intern Stephanie Sutter
ZOOM RSVP for Virtual Sessions
Series ONE:
- VIRTUAL: Wednesdays (08/31, 09/07, 09/14, 09/21) from 4-5PM via ZOOM
- IN-PERSON: Thursdays (09/01, 09/08, 09/15, 09/22) from 4–5PM @ UFCWC (Radio Road, Room 101)
Series TWO:
- VIRTUAL: Wednesdays (09/28, 10/05, 10/12, 10/19) from 4-5PM via ZOOM
- IN-PERSON: Thursdays (09/29, 10/06, 10/13, 10/20) from 4–5PM @ UFCWC (Radio Road, Room 101)
Group meditation/mindfulness sessions will take place over the course of eight weeks to support overall wellness and self-empowerment through engaging in mindfulness practices in a group setting. Sessions will involve a brief description of the mindfulness practices, an opportunity to practice them together, and a brief voluntary opportunity to share one's experiences with the practices. A different theme will be focused on each week, and participants are welcome to attend the sessions most convenient for them (in other words, there is no obligation to attend every session).
The facilitator: Stephanie Sutter, Occupational Therapy Student Intern, is receiving a doctorate in occupational therapy this December, a health profession with an emphasis on holism. It is important to note that occupational therapy (OT) is different than traditional talk therapy and counseling in part as the profession's unique training involves the use of a variety of holistic methods with a focus on engagement in meaningful activities (i.e., occupations) to support overall wellness and participation in life.

DATES: Fridays (09/16, 09/23, 09/30, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/04, 11/18, 12/02, 12/09, 12/16) from 10:30AM-12PM
This workshop will help you develop your stress management strategy by exploring a variety of meditation-based techniques and exercises. A new technique will be introduced each week, and there will be an open discussion about our experience with stress & its impact on our minds.
This workshop will help students to:
- Better understand stress and its impact on our minds, emotions, and bodies.
- Explore a variety of meditation-based techniques to assist with stress management.
- Discuss their experience of stress and receive feedback from counselors and other students
Facilitated by: Drs. Felicia Brown & Jill Vella
Mindfulness Resources
DISCLAIMER: The resources on this page are provided for informational purposes only; their inclusion does not constitute an endorsement by the UF Counseling & Wellness Center of any of the services or opinions expressed by their respective content owners. We encourage you to consider these guidelines in order to make an informed decision about which apps to try.

UCLA Mindful (App)
"With this easy-to-use app, you can practice mindfulness meditation anywhere, anytime with the guidance of the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center." More Info & Link to Download

Headspace (App)
Research has suggested this to be one of the most effective commercially available mindfulness apps.
(img source:
Guided Meditations

The Mindfulness Prescription For Adult ADHD
(Source: Shambhala Publications) Excerpts of exercises and audio clips from Lidia Zylowska, MD'S "8-Step Program for Strengthening Attention, Managing Emotions, and Achieving Your Goals" Exercise Samples
Suggested Readings
- Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life. by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD
- Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness by Jon Kabat-Zinn
- The Mindful Way through Depression: Freeing Yourself from Chronic Unhappiness by Mark Williams, John Teasdale, Zindel Segal, and Jon Kabat-Zinn
- The Mindfulness Prescription for Adult ADHD by Lidia Zylowska, MD